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Grobius in E-Shire

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This web site contains (or has links to) pages about imaginary places that have been posted on the Internet over the years by 'Grobius Shortling'. There are three main categories, plus several incidental web pages; they are The Isle of Farnish, The Planet Blenkinsop, and Marshmount Castle and Associated Places.

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Grobius Internet Guide

Here is a bust of the late Abervolt, who was an important figure in the history of Almondsey. He is late in more ways than one, in that the actual bust was broken to pieces a few years ago.

Island of Almondsey: View some informative facts on this web site, including the start of a novel and a short summary of the mythology.

Gerousle: The Game

Before even Dungeons and Dragons, there was a similar game developed in the early 1960s. Here is a brief description, even though most of the game has been lost over the years, especially the game boards and documentation.

Grobius in Brooklyn Home Page

Farnish Witch Academy
The Farnish Witch Academy is an old rival to Hogwarts of Harry Potter fame. Please click here for a description.

Visit the Isle of Farnish

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Other Imaginary Places

Marshmount Castle Estates
Planet Blenkinsop
Imaginary Castles Contest

King Arthur and the Dark Ages

Visitors: 13387